How Today Went:

April 15th, 2010

  • Woke up in a panic because I had agreed to do a presentation on blogging in front of 40-odd people that I was woefully unprepared for and having major agoraphobic trauma about.
  • Showed up for said blog presentation, highly hopped up on clonapin, only to find out that my Mac wouldn’t cooperate with the on-loan slide projector.
  • Winged presentation sans my brilliant powerpoint slides. Went great. Why did I bother to memorize the thing in the first place? Didn’t use my notes and just chatted off the cuff with the peeps.
  • Arrived home to unexpected email from ex that said nothing.
  • Freakout.
  • Angry nap.
  • I actually have no idea what kind of rodent this is, despite having grown up in the country. So if it’s not in fact a vole, please don’t berate me publicly.
  • Woke up to dead baby vole on my oriental rug (is that still the preferred nomenclature?)
  • Threw out dead baby vole with deadpan look on my face.
  • Seriously, I have bigger problems.
  • Headed over to Anna’s for dinner.
  • Remembered why I love life. Because people like Anna are in it.
  • Oh, and blogs like this:
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One Response to “How Today Went:”

  1. FitSugar says:

    What a day!

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