Please Don’t Let Me Turn into a Mommy Blogger

March 25th, 2015

Laura Kee Clouse breastfeeding pic

I’ve been thinking a lot about ways to jump back into blogging without turning into one of those insipid mommy bloggers who yammer on obsessively about their every single day with their beautiful little ones. (Mainly because I already do that on Instagram, and also, mommy bloggers, I actually love you!)

I’m still thinking about what I feel like writing about, but in the meantime, the girls are approaching their 3-month birthday (wow), and I thought I’d share a very personal story I wrote for a great project here in Salt Lake City called Beauty in Breastfeeding. I was approached to contribute to this lovely creative project by a local doula, Sierra Abrams Brooks, who introduced me to a photographer named Laura Kee Clouse. Sierra and Laura developed this project with the idea of helping moms share their vastly different (and all totally okay) breastfeeding stories. 

I really love this project, as someone who went into being a mom completely determined to breastfeed, and has been extremely humbled by the process. If you want to read this story, and see some totally classy and demure shots of me and the girls breastfeeding, please visit Beauty in Breastfeeding



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