As everyone in the free world knows, I have two cats. One of them is a sweet creature named Luka who doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. The other is a serial killer. I love them equally. You might be surprised to find out, however, that Luka is the one who tends to get on my nerves a little bit quicker.
I have mad A.D.D. issues and distraction is a big problem for me. I have a difficult time concentrating on things that aren’t inherently interesting, and unfortunately, HTML does not wet my whistle so much. So when I am trying to focus on unlocking a mind-numbing code puzzle for several hours, and for most of that time, Luka is about three feet away from me screaming at the top of her lungs for me to let her either IN or OUT the door, it gets a little frustrating.
Luka, for whatever reason that only her mysterious childhood knows about, cannot abide by a closed door. It makes her extremely anxious, and so, if the door is closed and I am sitting near it (where my desk happens to be), she can’t help herself from desperately needing to be on the opposite side of the door at every moment. Whichever side that may be. I am usually pretty patient about it the first 2,999 times. On the 3,000th time, however, I tend to snap and yell at her: THIS IS WHY PEOPLE SHAKE BABIES!
It’s really horrible, I know, and I’m not proud. In my defense, I have never (and would never) actually shake her. Nor can I ignore her. Her meow is of a particularly insidious decibel. So instead I am wearing a skid on my hardwood floor rolling my chair back and forth more times a day than I actually take breaths.
Oh, why can’t I just leave the door ajar so she can come in and out of her own accord? Good question. Here’s why:
The thing about cats is, you can’t really get mad at them, because they don’t have cognitive reasoning skills and they basically just look at you like you’re being an asshole. In this way, they are a really good test of one’s equanimity.
That’s an awesome picture. Especially since you took the time to snap it, which is hella impressive considering some of your delicate sensibilities. Do you live in the jungle?
It’s a safari around here 24/7. Yesterday I had 3 deer in my yard. Luka caught another snake. And there is a monster spider building its dream house across my entryway as we speak. I don’t have the heart to tell it that it’s new home is going to be short lived.