I Am a Raven… Right Now

December 2nd, 2009

So, I a few months ago I wrote a somewhat tongue-in-cheek blog about animal totems.

Well, this morning I had an awesome session with Katherine Taylor, who owns a company called Bay Area Body Talk:  Energy Medicine for People and Pets. I met Katherine recently and was curious about her work. She came over to my place and met my demons kitties, and she gave us a group session during which I learned… wait for it… that I am the dominant female in my household. Take that, Budapest!

Katherine also did an energy reading on me sans kitties. During this reading, she told me that the raven was coming up as my current animal totem.

I did some more research of the thorough, reliable five-minute google kind, and learned this about the raven as an animal totem:

  • It is their natural talent of “recycling” which has gained ravens a bad rap. By “recycling”, we mean: eating dead animals. Interesting, given my recent transition into a non-vegan household.
  • They don’t wander far from where they were raised and will only get a new mate if one of the pair dies. Um, yeah, that’s not true at all.
  • Ravens are known as the “keeper of secrets” in several native tribes, and are the teachers of mysticism. Sadly, this one’s not true either.
  • Their black color and diet of dead animals associates them with the vast void of darkness, which is representative of the unconscious. This one kind of bums me out; I don’t know why?
  • Raven flies to us with heightened awareness and greater understanding of our consciousness. It is with this new perception that we begin seeing into the hearts of others and experience their feelings. Raven asks us to experience the transformation it brings within our multidimensional self, and be reunited with the mysteries of the universe so we can expel our inner demons. Okay I can get with this.


I don’t really know what this all means, but Katherine also told me I need to let go of some things (hmm, wonder what?) and get more grounded in my new home. She has a point there.

Cheers to Mill Valley!


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One Response to “I Am a Raven… Right Now”

  1. Anonymous says:

    along that vein, did you know that moldavite is supposed to help the bearer to let go of old attachments? interesting in that it is necessary for a certain holder of that stone.

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