Pictures Worth A Few Hundred Words At Least

November 15th, 2011

My mom (Judith) and my brother (Elia) were just out here visiting me in California. We did a lot of things. So many things that I’m kind of exhausted and can’t string a sentence together. Luckily, there are pictures for times like these:

Elia and I went to the mall. Yup, the mall. That’s how we do.

I tried on this sweet hat. It will be mine.


We went to Cirque du Soleil and fell in love with 22-year-old trapeze artists wearing yellow tights and then we stood around at intermission and texted each other from 3 feet away. That’s always fun.


We rented a phat house out at Stinson Beach, lit a fire, and read books.

We conquered this “hike” aka flat stroll along Limantaur Beach in Pt Reyes.


We walked and walked and walked and walked and walked.

And then whoopsie, we made just a wee tiny wrong turn. Judith didn’t mind having to tightrope-walk across a muddy, banana slug-infested swamp. We just saw the Cirque du Soleil, so.


We hung out on Stinson Beach late at night and thought about skinny dipping. But didn’t.

We hiked the Dipsea from Stinson to DTMV. Yes we did. Cuz we’re badass hikers.

And then we ended it all with this epic sunset. God love the Pacific.



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5 Responses to “Pictures Worth A Few Hundred Words At Least”

  1. WesternYogini says:

    I miss hiking with you…beautiful pix xoxo

  2. Anonymous says:

    O.k., not so bad. Great pictures, mostly. And I’ll give you the positive commentary. Good job. All around, I mean the trip and all. Thanks for being there to visit. Love……..

  3. outsideeye says:

    So does that mean I can get sign-off on my creative series “Things Judith Climbed Over This Weekend”? Love to publish that one.

  4. bria weldon says:

    gorgeous pictures!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Only if I get editorial privelegs…..

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