Some new words

December 17th, 2009

I love made-up words. My friend Gumbo Dave recently introduced me to two deceptively simple but amazingly sleeper new vocab words. I can’t believe I didn’t think of these myself. Props to Dave.

Untillectual: This one’s pretty obvious, and it describes my taste in movies, celebrity gossip magazines, and humor.

Yego: This is  a portmanteau, which is, in itself, a great word. It refers to the Yoga Ego.In other words, that ironic property of certain yoga personalities whereby instead of embracing the non-dual, humble nature of their individual selves, they allow themselves to become alleged gurus. I’ve had some experience with these sorts.

Yego can also refer to the average person’s attachment to their yoga practice. It encompasses ambition, striving and goal-oriented behavior around hatha yoga. Or meditation, for that matter.

Luckily for me, I am blessedly free of yego at this point along my so-called yogic path. I really, honestly could care less about my practice being beautiful or my body “better”. To a fault. You might say I lack discipline.

The alleged yoga guru I used to work for (who was rife with yego of the worst sort) once told me that there is such a thing as being too easy on one’s self. (Whatever, guy with a broken moral compass.)

I am not sure if I believe that. There are a few things I simply do not believe in feeling guilty about.

  1. Not going to yoga just because I don’t feel like it
  2. Going to yoga, but then napping through it
  3. Indulging in untillectual movie-watching and magazine-reading and joke-laughing
  4. Sleeping in, nearly every day
  5. Mixing together vanilla ice cream and chocolate pudding (I actually did this, the other night, and it was pretty much awesome.)


Life is hard enough, right?



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One Response to “Some new words”

  1. melissa schmechel says:

    What about debacular?

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