Some Things I Want to Share Because It's Friday and I Love You

March 25th, 2011

Every Friday on Recovering Yogi we publish either a This-Could-Be-A-Yoga-Teacher-Bio or a This-Could-Be-A-Yoga-Class-Description. We take submissions from all over, but today I took the opportunity to write my own variation on “what yoga teacher bios would say if they were really being honest.”

Check it out:

Yoga teacher bio: Sandal Satchel

Also, I love this NPR story so much, I have to share:

Jimmy Wong saves the Internet

I also love this TED Talk:

Jason Fried: Why work doesn’t happen at work

And guess what else? I really love this picture of my cat:

Can you tell I took an adderall?

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One Response to “Some Things I Want to Share Because It's Friday and I Love You”

  1. goldenaaryn says:


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