The Artist’s Way, Week Five: Asking for Guidance

February 20th, 2010

A friend of a friend sent an email to all her friends informing them that she had been called to India and would be leaving abruptly.

Now, when she said “called to India”, she didn’t mean on the telephone.

She meant that she had been CALLED to INDIA.

Get it?

Major eyeroll.

It’s this kind of ‘tude in the yoga world that makes me want to renounce spirituality forever and go back to being a bitter smug atheist.

But as it happens, this week’s Artist’s Way exercises mainly revolve around asking for guidance. Or, more specifically, asking oneself for inner guidance.

The thing is, if I had the answers, I would have told them to myself a long time ago, but I am trying to play along and sit quietly with my so-called intuition and see what it comes up with.

Here’s what my intuition came up with this week:


You get the idea.

In the spirit of playing the game, I did go to two count them TWO really hard yoga classes with Rusty this week, and I really did try my very hardest to have a good yoga attitude.

In synchronicity news, I’m starting my Buddhist class at Spirit Rock on Wednesday, so I’ll be enlightened soon enough, and then I’ll know all the answers.

And I had one of the best acupuncture sessions of my life with the lovely and amazing Rebecca Rapaport Ness. I cannot say enough good things about this woman and acupuncture in general. I don’t know if it was something she did, where I was at in my day/life, or the half clonapin I took just before the session, but I could have never imagined being so very relaxed with sharp needles sticking out of my head just behind my ear.


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