The Best Day of My Entire Life So Far This Week

May 11th, 2010

How often can you say that Monday was the best day of your life? I had such an amazing day on Monday. Three good things happened. THREE. When was the last time you had three good things happen to you in one day, never mind a Monday?

  1. It was raining (already one of my favorite things), and as a result, my cats couldn’t (wouldn’t) go outside. By some miraculous stroke of benevolence, Budapest decided that she would experiment with hanging out in my lap. For about three blissful minutes, she let me pet her and did not hiss or growl. I was in rapture.
  2. I took this lovely picture on the Temelpas Trail over the weekend.
  3. Later, I got bored with the drudgery of writing legalese copy about baby clothes, and saw the mailman pull up (always the highlight of any work-at-home day). I got two—count them TWO–letters with cash in them. One from my dad. $50 to “go buy yourself a cocktail.” And the other from Leslie, who apparently was under the misconception that she owed me $11, and mailed it to me from Austin… with a signed snapshot of Jeff Bridges from the set of his latest movie. Awesome refrigerator material. I really love Jeff Bridges.
  4. I took a break from work and went to the Mill Valley Library to get a new book. (I finished my last book, The Tale of the Rose, last night and it was the kind of book you have to immediately follow up with another book so you don’t wallow too much.) I have this running list of books people have recommended to me. As I was going down the list, the first one I found was Amazing Disgrace, by James Hamilton-Patterson. Somehow, in all these months of having this book on my list, I had neglected to realize that it is the sequel to one of my all time favorite books, Cooking With Fernet Branca. I am indescribably excited to read this book.


It’s all about the lowered expectations. And this is exactly why I am not an optimist. If I was an optimist, I probably wouldn’t have been all that impressed with this Monday. But as a committed cynic, it was a pretty phenomenal day, I’ll tell you what.


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2 Responses to “The Best Day of My Entire Life So Far This Week”

  1. wonkyheartmom says:

    love this post. i AM an optimist, and i would call this a lovely day, too. my optimism comes from embracing the little things, from looking for those bits of Light that come into my life all the time… the key is to look for them. for example, last night my chimney crashed down onto the roof over my bathroom and the ceiling caved in. sounds like a terrible day. BUT… 1) the insurance adjuster waived the deductible for me b/c i pointed out that the chimney isn’t used anymore so they could just cap it and leave it like that. so that’s $500 i don’t need to spend anymore. 2) the kids and i will get to spend a few nights in a hotel… for FREE!!! 3) one of the guys working on the bathroom ceiling is pretty cute. 😉 see what i mean? lovely days all around!

  2. outsideeye says:

    That DOES sound great! I love any excuse to stay at a hotel. Thanks for sharing 🙂

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