This Is Why I Am Single

April 9th, 2011

Vanessa and Leslie and I are having a Recovering Yogi creative summit this weekend. I was looking for an envelope and found my old diary from when I was 8 years old. It’s deeply enthralling. This is really embarrassing, but it speaks volumes about my lifelong ability to settle for less when it comes to boyfriends.

What I care about in a man, in order of importance:

  1. Good handwriting
  2. That he cares


Also, I don’t remember who Gabe was. Seriously, no clue.

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2 Responses to “This Is Why I Am Single”

  1. jrmillner says:

    I have a nebulous memory of a Gabe that we all swooned over, but I can’t remember when or where…Did you go to Camp Howe?

  2. outsideeye says:

    Yes! Camp Howe. That must be it. Still, not totally ringing a bell. I had way too many boyfriends when I was 8.

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