The Sea, The Somber Sea

October 23rd, 2013

Tennessee Valley is my heart place. It’s a 2-mile walk along a popular fire road to get to Tennessee Valley Beach, but if I go around dusk, it’s just me and the bunnies and coyotes and owls and a few other intrepid gypsies buried in their own hoods and scarves. We generally ignore each other, because we know why we are there. To think. Alone.

Once I get there, I can see, hear and smell the sea as it crawls its way up the sand. But more than anything, I can feel it. It brings me home.  

(click to view on iTunes if you can’t see the movie above)

Thanks for the creative dare, Matthew Teague Miller. One day I’ll get better at using iMovie. 

If you want a creative truth or dare from me, use the button at the bottom right of this page. 

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