Voting for Bespoke Crafting Projects

February 14th, 2019

Week 7: The 2019 Voting with My Dollar Project

So far in 2019 I still have not used my Amazon Prime membership for anything but downloading kids’ movies, which is pretty remarkable considering some of the errands I have had to run as a result. Case in point: Valentine’s Day cards.

I know most people hate this stupid holiday as much as I hated it for decades before I had my daughters. It really is a dumb one… unless you’re into paper crafts. Since my four-year-olds were expecting to show up at school today with a Valentine for each of the kids in their two preschool classes (40+ cards total), naturally, I went on a bespoke tear.

I already had most of the stuff I needed in my overzealous craft-hoarding corner. But I had to buy a few things:

Handmade paperZephyr Designs on Main Street in Brattleboro (small, family owned business established 1975)

Laminating sheets — Office Depot (An “office supply superstore” and public company, not an ideal place to spend my money. I did hear a rumor that the local hardware store carries laminating sheets, and I will look there first next time. And there will be a next time.)

Ribbon Beadniks on Main Street in Brattleboro (independently owned and operated since 1992)

After some regimented forced Valentine labor that made me question my motives for creating Valentine’s Day cards in the first place, they came out pretty sweet:




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What I’m eating:

So many of these chunks-of-goodness Honey Mama’s bars that I’ve been gaining a half-pound a day all week, uh oh.

What I’m reading:

There, There by Tommy Orange

What I’m watching:

Brandi Carlile at the Grammys over and over and over again. 

What I’m listening to:

The Seeing White podcast by Scene on Radio — This was on a recommended reading list my daughters’ awesome Montessori school made up, about the notion of whiteness, what it mean to be white in America, how racism evolved in this country, and why it’s not okay to just assume you’re not part of the problem.

What I’m working on:

Concurrent articles for unrelated clients about the thwarting of women in leadership positions!

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