September is the Most Important Month, IMHO

August 31st, 2010

Just in case you were curious, apparently September is:

  • Food Allergy Awareness Month
  • National Yoga Awareness Month (In case there’s anyone out there who isn’t already acutely aware of it)
  • Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
  • Prostate Cancer Awareness Month (So as not to be sexist)
  • National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month
  • Cholesterol Education Month (Let’s all pledge to learn a little more about cholesterol this month, shall we?)
  • Childhood Cancer Month
  • Reye’s Syndrome Awareness Month (No clue)
  • Sports and Home Eye Safety Month (Sports AND Home Eye Safety Month!)
  • Fruit and Veggies—More Matters Month (You gotta love a month with an emdash in it)
  • Whole Grains Month (Not to be outdone by the fruits and veggies!)
  • Leukemia & Lymphoma Awareness Month
  • Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month (What are you trying to say.)
  • National Infant Mortality Awareness Month
  • National Pediculosis Prevention Month (I made the mistake of Googling. Do yourself a favor and don’t.)
  • Head Lice Prevention Month (Don’t share hats!)
  • National Sickle Cell Month


It’s also, ahem,  my birthday month.

There are two types of people in this world:

  1. People who don’t want anyone to acknowledge their birthday and would, if they could, be invisible for the day.
  2. People who want everyone to know it’s there birthday, acknowledge it—preferably with lavish gifts—and drop everything to spend time with the birthday girl.


Guess which one I am? That’s right, the latter. However, in order to avoid disappointment, I generally micro-manage the day into a full roster of self-indulgent activities like a massage, a manipedi, and various luncheons a deux. So, that’s what I’ll be up to tomorrow. I’m also giving myself a vacay from the Book of Face, as my friend Dave likes to call it. That’s right, a computer-free day! Gasp! Back on Thursday.

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5 Responses to “September is the Most Important Month, IMHO”

  1. Anonymous says:


  2. Anonymous says:

    I hope it’s not also a phone free day so one can say happy birthday in persona.

  3. Anonymous says:

    It’s also National Skin Care Awareness Month!!

  4. ahdapook says:

    it’s also Hunger Action Month through Feeding America

  5. jueycruiser says:

    LOL @ the lack of awareness of Reye’s syndrome during Reyes syndrome awareness month

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