
September 3rd, 2009

I’m actually off the radar right now, on vacation, but thanks to the miracle of technology, you’re reading something I wrote a week ago.

So, I just learned that the spanish word for “dove” and “pigeon” is the same (paloma).

Think about that.

(Disclaimer: I learned this from the teenage gas station attendant on the corner. I overheard him talking to his wee daughter. So if I’m wrong, please just tell me gently and let’s not make a big deal about this.)

la paloma:

Also la paloma:

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2 Responses to “Paloma”

  1. Anonymous says:

    um, doves are just pretty pigeons. . . or pigeons filthy doves. . .

  2. Anonymous says:

    how did i miss this post? it’s brilliant.

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