On Not Going to Yoga

August 26th, 2009

My friend Amy told me yesterday that she is trying to get better about “disciplining herself around joy”. In other words, using her awesome inherent sense of self-discipline for good, rather than the evil of simply being hard on herself.

I can relate to that. (Except for the part about having  self-discipline.)

I try to practice yoga 3 times a week. Today was to be my third time this week. But I woke up with the sniffles and am somewhat in a panic about having a head cold when we leave for Europe. Traveling while sick is…. no.

I know a lot of people think a hot sweaty yoga class is a great way to work through being sick. I am not one of those people. I think lying in bed and reading Us Weekly is a great way to work through being sick.

So, I decided that instead of investing in the 3+ hours it normally takes me to go to a yoga class on a Saturday morning, I would spend that entire time just taking care of myself.

  • I whined to Alex to make me black tea, and read for a while in bed. Whining feels great when you’re sick.
  • I made some more of the brilliant sickie soup that I invented and bragged about heartily last week.
  • I drank an entire blender-full of garlic, ginger and maple syrup juice. (Thank you for that suggestion, Leslie.) Real maple syrup from New England is pretty much a cure-all, as far as I’m concerned. There may not be any medical evidence to back it up, but I am pretty confident about this.
  • I took a bath with eucalyptus bath salts. (From SimpleBasic!)
  • I swallowed about four brillion supplements including Wellness Formula, vitamin C and Yin Qiao San Plus. Covering the entire gamut from Eastern and Western medicine to naturopathy (and a little bit of shamanic prayer) can’t hurt.

And I absolutely did not feel guilty about that yoga class. Because self-imposed, needless guilt is bad for your health. No offense, yoga industry, but sometimes it’s healthier just to blow it off.


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